Lockdown Latest 7th July
As we enter a new phase of easing, read on for the Lockdown Latest 7th July.
This week feels like we are finally on the path back to some sort of normality. Although there is a new normal in the retail, travel and hospitality industries, at least they are able to trade at last.
Super Saturday
With non-essential shops already open, we have been waiting for hairdressers, barbers, restaurants, pubs etc. The media named 4th July Super Saturday as many of these places prepared to open.
Barbers and hairdressers have never seen such demand. Covid-19 is not enough to stop thousands of people wanting a long-delayed trim or colour. Waiting chairs are placed outside and when you are called in you are faced with masks, visors, screens and well-separated work-stations. But at last we can start to look like ourselves again.
Pubs, hotels and restaurants also prepared themselves to be over-run. With systems in place to ensure the safety of all, it seems like, in most places, everything was a success.
Recreational cricket is also back from next week. Another step forward for groups to come together.
Lockdown Latest and Events?
Of course, there is still no sign of the events industry coming back any time soon but I believe there is definitely hope. Weddings can now take place with 30 people. Although they are not yet advised to have food, drink or singing, I feel sure this must be the next step. We are still only in July so if numbers of Covid-19 cases continue to decline, we could still possibly see some events take place before the end of the year. Even if they are only small events, it would be great to see.
Small groups of people are now allowed to socialise in pubs and restaurants so surely it can only be a matter of time until a small party is allowed. With many people continuing to work from home, business owners will need to bring staff together for a catch up. It has been too long and video chats just aren’t enough for good team spirit. Fingers crossed!!
Table Art’s Screens with Shield UK
In the meantime, Table Art is not standing still. Our fast pack screens have been flying out to barbers, hairdressers, restaurants, offices and even a children’s home. Keeping clients confident that they are safe is obviously a major priority for businesses at the moment. Our screens in all shapes, sizes and materials are doing just this. A physical barrier reduces the social distancing problem that many places are struggling with. And with the screens easily movable and storable, there is no need to worry about the flexibility of them.
Table Art’s Salon Hub.
With barbers and hairdressers now re-opening, our salon hubs are also proving extremely popular. Once the initial rush is over, salon owners will be looking to encourage clients to keep coming back. Standing out from the crowd is always important. What can any salon offer that is different? The answer is free phone charging and an opportunity to watch something on their phone at the same time on the new Salon Hub. Given that magazines are no longer available, waiting for a colour to take can be a very long time. Your phone can charge on a stand directly in front of you whilst you watch something you have downloaded or the match on Sky Go for example.
And what about the salon owner? They can either use the Salon Hub screen to market offers on their own products. Or they can create revenue by selling advertising to local businesses. Video advertising is very effective. When it is showing on a hub right in front of clients’ eyes on the workstation it is even more powerful. We are very excited for the future of the Salon Hub but we also cant wait to be putting our Table Art table centres and room décor back into hotels and venues everywhere. Keep checking out our Lockdown Latest blogs for news.
Stay Safe.