Blog / Unique Event – Expert Tips: Dare to be Different

Unique Event – Expert Tips: Dare to be Different

Expert Tips to Create a Truly Unique Event:

The greatest thing that any event planner can do for their client is to introduce them to a brand, new idea. To show them something that they have never seen before and create a unique event.

In the past, it would be something like the very first moving head lighting. Or a special effect like a radio controlled lit table centre. With tech always moving forward, new effects and ideas are always going to be possible.


Game Changing Ideas

For a while, it seems nothing changes and then someone will take an idea and develop it into a game-changer. The first steam engine was used for years as a mining water pump before powering a train. I remember 40 years ago, a friend of mine told me that LEDs would be the future of lighting. However, when I looked at the tiny red light that you could hardly see in daylight, I didn’t  believe him. It seems, at the moment, with such steps forward in radio, LEDs and lithium battery tech, that lots of different opportunities are going to come about.

It used to be much harder to market any idea that you may have had., It would mean that many ideas would go no further than the drawing board stage. However the world has changed so much for everyone with internet marketing and social media etc. It’s now possible to try an idea without spending too much time and money on it to test the market.


If the idea’s brand new, it’s a difficult balance between convincing everyone that it will catch on and giving up. If it’s never been done before, you may suddenly realise that you are ahead of your time. Or sometimes you are just thinking in the wrong way and you have gone completely mad!!! However, it is important to make a unique event. Many times I have woken up in the night with an amazing, world changing idea only to realise, to my dismay in the morning, after a google search, that someone else is already doing it. Or  worse still, something better!


New Ideas

The thing that gives me the greatest satisfaction in this industry is taking a few products that already exist and are currently being produced and then putting them together to make something completely brand new and unique. I love to take vacuum formed, plastic shapes and by adding screens, lighting and sound effects, make something really outstanding like our giant faces with moving eyes that can be used in so many different themes and always  have people getting their phones out for photos. I think, in the near future, we are going to see some spectacular new ideas within the event industry. This might be flexible LED screens, drones, projection mapping. I think they will all be key in creating new breath-taking effects for clients. We will certainly be putting time aside to ensure that we are playing our own part in future developments.

If you would like help creating your next event, then get in touch with the styling experts at Table Art for a free consultation.


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