Use Lighting As A Decoration
It’s common to use different lamps, bulbs, and strings of lights as aesthetic decorations at an event. However, it’s also important to think of the light itself as a decoration.
Differently coloured lights can instantly change the atmosphere of your event and decorations can look very different under new lighting. Paying attention to the lighting you use can give you much more control over your decorations
At Table Art, we make custom centrepieces that can be remotely controlled and provide a cost-effective source of dynamic lighting.
Check out our gallery to see what they can do.
Double-Down On The Essentials
Every event comes with some essential items and making sure these look perfect will give your decorations the most impact.
The tableware, centrepieces and furniture should be at the core of your style choices. Everything else should feed into them. Your guest’s natural focus should align with your focus in designing an event.